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Contact your commissioners and get them to clean up their mess and stop polluting the river. Come here to keep updated
Come here for updates and new videos and emails from the county
Contact your commissioners and get them to clean up their mess and stop polluting the river. Come here to keep updated
Us: (happy to answer any questions you have)
Sarah Arnold: (904) 325-4182
Henry Dean: (904) 325-3924
Check out for specifics about her election
We are a political committee forms after over a decade working with the county to correct practices by the farms and county works in St. Johns. Over the years we worked together with Commissioner Johns to stop pollution entering the waterways of the St. Johns. When Sarah Arnold was appointed to the commission these efforts discontinued and actually became far worse as the county attorney has asserted the county is exempt from all regulations covered by the 404 Plan and best practices. The district 2 commissioner has refused to address the issues and been relatively unresponsive, while hiding behind attorneys. They have in no way ever denied they are polluting the river, simply that they are not legally responsible for cleaning it up, contrary to what the EPA, DEP, and Water Management District have told us.
There i s alot of content on this page now so make sure you start at the bottom to understand the over decade long issues we have had on the river. The manatee populations are seeing the worst mortality rates ever recorded and starvation, due in part to the pollution of the river, is a big part of the issue. The pollution directly effecting Colee Cove has turned a once fertile feeding ground for the manatee into a wasteland of Lilly pads and organic muck.
Pd. Pol. Adv. paid for by Colee Cove Coaliton, 8157 Wendover Rd., St. Augustine FL, 32092
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